Autumn is Here! What will you let go?

Fall is in the air!

With the change in the season, I’ve been inspired by the opportunities to let go, cleanse and shed the things I no longer need.

Of course I take this new energy to my mat and practice twists, inversions and even a few arm balances. Twists focus on the Manipura or third chakra – our solar plexus. This chakra is housed in the navel center. Activating this space brings about a sense of “I will,” by building our inner fire or tapas. Our tapas helps us to burn away old patterns, laziness and get rid of things that are no longer serving us. When this chakra is in balance we’re able to move powerfully and use this power to do good in the world.

When we wring out a washcloth we are getting rid of all of the excess water we don’t need. Essentially, we’re doing the same thing when we twist our bodies – getting rid of the excess that we don’t need.

Autumn is a time to cleanse and let go. You may notice the world around us beginning to turn inward. Trees are shedding their leaves and animals are gathering food to prepare for the long cold months ahead. Our bodies are naturally meant to do the same – shed, turn inward and let go.

Maya Tiwari, Ayurvedic practitioner and teacher uses the mantra of “harvest and simplify” for the autumn season. In keeping with our own natural cycles, it’s time to reflect on our bountiful spring and summer months, while also reflecting on our intentions for the season ahead.

What is it that you’re ready to shed and let go this fall?