Discovering Your Personal Core Values

“Tell me, what makes you, YOU?” This classic interview question comes up so often, even from family and friends. Knowing our personal core values feels like a thing we’re expected to have “figured out.” However, having a clear and decisive answer is way more complicated.

It’s best to start at the beginning – what are values, anyway? When you look up value in the dictionary, it states “relative worth, utility, or importance,” and “something (such as a principle or quality) intrinsically valuable or desirable.” Within the world of ethics, values are beliefs that influence us to act a certain way. Our values can serve as guides for how we behave in the world.

You can think of your values as your North Star; the thing you can always look to for guidance and direction when things seem unclear. Our values will help point us forward in the direction we need to go. While all of this my sound helpful, you might be asking yourself, “How do I even figure out my core values?”

Figuring Out Your Personal Core Values

Having an internal compass sounds like a great idea, but how do you even create that? Start with knowing and understanding your values. Knowing what matters and is important to you is the most important step. Walking through this process may seem daunting. Therapists are a helpful in wading through what matters most to you. Here’s a simple journal exercise to help get you started. You’ll have your values in no time!

Knowing and understanding your values will help to you find the calm in the chaos. Even when you feel like there’s no clear path forward, remembering what is important to you will help guide the way.

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