New Year Reflections

This past year brought high-highs and very low-lows. It was a really hard year!

Transformation and growth is hard and messy and painful. Don’t let these #instayogis fool you with their motivational quotes and acrobatic asanas. More often than not, you fall, usually on your face. Once you start down the path of self-awareness, shit gets real, and FAST! There’s also no turning back. You can only stay right where you are in the icky-ness or go forward.

Most of this past year I wished that I could turn back. Return to my naivety where I could un-see everything I’ve learned over the past 10+ years on this journey. However, I know too much now. I know there’s better out there and can accept nothing less.

If you think of a butterfly, the process of emerging from her cocoon is gross! And it is slow and unrushed. If she doesn’t take her time emerging, her wings may never open. She won’t be able to fly – to flourish in her beauty.

As I look at photos from over the last year, I remember and see the light that existed before I entered the darkness of my cocoon. I also see the love and light on the otherside waiting for me as I re-emerge from this “spiritual awakening” year.

I choose not to set resolutions at the start of the new year. Too much black and white and I live my life in the gray. I do set intentions. And this year, I intend to do more of what I love:

  • Learn
  • Yoga
  • Practice accepting loss with grace
  • Wear more costumes
  • Experience JOY
  • And most importantly, LOVE

What are your intentions for this new year?